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 « Wednesday, February 7, 2018 »
RecycleMania 2018

It's RecycleMania time again! Each week EKU will be reporting our weights of landfill waste, recycled paper, bottles, and cans for the duration of the 8 week competition.

EKU is competing on the following criteria:
1. Landfill diversion rate (%)
2. Total weight of recyclables recovered (lbs)
3. Total weight of recyclables recovered per person (lbs/person)

You can do your part by recycling to the maximum extent possible (and encouraging your friends to do the same) and participating in resident hall recycling programs and activities! :)

If you have any ideas for a more successful event, contact us at

Event Date: February 07  February 4th- April 1st  Location: Campus Wide  Cost: Free
Contact Information: Patrick McKee, 859-622-8798

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