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 « Wednesday, August 18, 2021 »
Americorps KY Ready Corps seeking Members, Fall/Spring 21-22

Our AmeriCorps program is seeking motivated, outdoorsy and community minded individuals to serve with our sustainable garden/food insecurity project in Lancaster, KY. Our KY Ready Team will serve 10-22 service hours per week, September 1 - December 15 or until May 15, 2021, tending, harvesting, preparing and distributing food to Lancaster food pantries, as well as preparing the garden and greenhouse for the winter months. Benefits include flexible service hours, a living allowance, and education award at end of service. Service may also count towards course and internship credit. To apply and sign up for an information session: Deadline to apply has been extended to August 25, 2021. #bethegreatergood #gettingthingsdone @AmeriCorps

Event Date: August 25  N/A  Location: Cliffview Retreat Center, Lancaster KY