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 « Tuesday, August 31, 2021 »
Emergency Preparedness for CSEPP (the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program)

Would you know what to do during a community-wide chemical emergency?

The Madison County Emergency Management Agency (EMA/CSEPP) normally conducts its annual disaster exercise on the third Wednesday of September around 9am. Due to COVID-19 concerns, Madison County, KYEM, and FEMA, have decided to conduct a limited exercise this year. EKU normally participates, but considering the current public health recommendations, EKU will not participate with our traditional activities, this year.

August and September are excellent months to consider how you might protect yourself from a community-wide chemical release, such as what could occur at the Blue Grass Army Depot.

Check out our Story and Video:

Event Date: September 15  9AM  Location: EKU Richmond Campus  
Contact Information: Gary Folckemer, 859-622-8987

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