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 « Monday, November 15, 2021 »
Talking Out of School: Stories that celebrate teaching, learning, and growing!

“Talking Out of School” is the monthly storytelling event that shares true, personal stories reflecting the lives of EKU students, faculty, and the community. You might laugh. You might cry. You might be touched and moved. You might recognize a situation or struggle similar to your own. But you’ll always be entertained! Bring your friends for an evening of amazing stories and free pizza! In addition to student and faculty stories, we will have Frank Romeo as our headliner. Frank is a Vietnam veteran and the subject of the movie, Walk with Frank. He will share the story of his 750 mile walk across New York to raise awareness of veterans’ issues of PTSD and related issues of mental illness, substance abuse, suicide, and homelessness. Join us Monday, November 15, at 7:00 p.m. at Apollo’s Pizza, 228 S. 2nd St., Richmond. Come to hear great stories; leave as a future storyteller!

Event Date: November 15  7:00 p.m.  Location: Apollo's Pizza, 228 S. 2nd Street, Richmond, KY  Cost: Free
Contact Information: Dr. Raymond A. Lauk, 630-802-1992