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 « Thursday, December 2, 2021 »
Colonel's Cupboard Campaign: Thank You!

Thanks to the support of students, employees, alumni, and friends of EKU, the Colonel's Cupboard received $12,000+ in gifts last month. This support will provide food and other essentials for students in need. Congratulations to the following departments and student organizations for having the most donors or dollars contributed during the annual Colonel's Cupboard campaign:

Student org with the most donors:
1st–Student Occupational Science Association (SOSA)
2nd–Alpha Gamma Delta

Student org with most dollars raised:
1st–Beta Theta Pi
2nd–Alpha Kappa Alpha

Dept with the most donors:
1st–Recreation & Park Administration
2nd–Health Promotion and Administration
3rd–e-Campus Learning

Dept with most dollars raised:
2nd–e-Campus Learning
3rd–Biological Sciences