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 « Tuesday, January 18, 2022 »
Scholars Week - SCHOLARS TANK

Scholar’s Tank is an entrepreneurial-themed addition to Scholars Week, where students and faculty can present an idea to improve some aspect of campus, that has the potential to be turned into an entrepreneurial venture. Our campus entrepreneurs will pitch their idea to a panel of “sharks”, who will decide which idea gets funded.

The winner will be awarded $5,000 to seed that idea from concept to concrete - - watching your idea grow into something that has a positive impact on the university. These can be individual projects or groups projects.

There are 5 components - identifying the problem, the addressable market, the current solution, your solution, and finally - - - 120 seconds!! You have 2 minutes to pitch the idea!

For more information and to register, please visit

Event Date: April 14  10:00am  Location: Crabbe Library