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 « Thursday, January 6, 2022 »
Hiring AmeriCorps KY Ready Corps Social Media Member

Join our KY Ready Corps AmeriCorps program, as our Social Media Manager! We are seeking a member to serve 10 hours per week to manage and maintain our social media accounts for recruitment and program promotion purposes. Members can serve a total of 100 hours between January-May, or 300 hours between January-August, about 10 service hours per week, working directly with our Member Manager. Benefits include a living allowance (300 hours) and education award for educational expenses at end of service (both 100 and 300 hours). Deadline to apply is January 15, 2022, with service beginning by end of January. Start the application process here:

Event Date: January 15  N/A  Location: College of Justice and Safety  Cost: N/A
Contact Information: Tim Smith, 859-622-7167

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