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 « Wednesday, February 16, 2022 »
The STEM Center for Excellence is Hiring!

Do you want to solidify the skills you’ve learned in class? Do you like helping others? Would you like a part-time job that fits easily around your class schedule? Look no further! The STEM Center for Excellence is hiring Peer Leaders from any major for up to 20 hours per week for the spring and fall semesters to assist peers in classes such as MAT 112A, CHE 111, BIO 111, and many other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics courses.

“I love the feeling of getting to help people succeed in their classes. There have been many times when a student comes in at the beginning of the semester completely overwhelmed and by the end, they're one of the better students in their class. I can think of several people from this last semester in 112 that fall into this category.” Gavan VanOver, Mathematics and Statistics Tutoring Center

Cost: free
Contact Information: Dr. Lisa Blue, (859) 622-2462

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