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 « Tuesday, June 1, 2021 »
Pathfinders is an affirming weekly support group for students who are first generation college students. At EKU, a student is considered "first gen" if they are the first in their family to attend a four-year university or if neither of their parents/guardians have completed a bachelor’s degree. Some first gen students may have older siblings who have attended college. This virtual group is provided by the EKU Counseling Center and is hosted through a secure video platform.
TO ATTEND TODAY’S GROUP: email 15 minutes prior to group start time. Dr. Smith will email you instructions on how to join today’s group.

Event Date: June 0111am  Location: Online  Cost: Free

Sponsor: Counseling Center

Study Spanish while soaking in the sun by enrolling in SPA 101 or 102 for Summer Session B! These 100% online courses cover three credit hours of General Education requirement Element 6 and any left over Pre-College Curriculum requirements in World Languages. If you have taken 2-3 years of High School Spanish (or equivalent experience), you can skip 101 and begin your studies in SPA 102. If you start in 102 and make a final grade of "A," you will get a total of 6 credit hours for the class - completing all of Gen Ed 6 in one semester class. Visit or contact for more information.

Event Date: ; June 18 - August 6  Location: online

Sponsor: Dept. Languages, Cultures, and Humanities
, 859-622-2996
More On This Announcement

Join the staff of the EKU Counseling Center today for a workshop on Mindfulness. Being isolated in quarantine can lead to spending a lot of time on various activities that take your attention away from the present moment. Practicing mindfulness can be a great opportunity to improve your mental health by challenging yourself to be present and aware of your thoughts and feelings. In this workshop, you will learn tools that can help you practice mindfulness and work towards reducing and preventing stress, anxiety, depression, as well as many other concerns you may be experiencing.

Event Date: June 011pm  Location: Online  Cost: Free

Sponsor: Counseling Center