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 « Thursday, August 5, 2021 »
The Service to Service podcast helps you understand veterans, one story at a time. Sam sits down with Lt. Col. (Ret.) Liz Barrs, a former US Army intelligence officer who served tours in Desert Storm, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the White House Situation Room. She has taught Veterans Studies at EKU since 2013, and her leadership inside and outside the classroom helped EKU Online spread Veterans Studies across the globe. Liz and Sam compare academic and military institutions. Liz discusses her views on the emerging field, her perspective about how our program has grown since its inception, and how her military career influences her teaching. Subscribe on iTunes: Listen on the EKU Website: Want to take VTS 200 with Prof. Barrs?

Sponsor: Kentucky Center for Veterans Studies

Join the staff of the EKU Counseling Center today for a Workshop on organization and planning. The organization and planning module of the Feel Better Fast series will be aimed to help establish a routine to help with managing your day. We will work to establish a daily schedule to help you plan and prioritize your day. Additionally, we will brainstorm ways to increase your motivation and make it easier to initiate tasks, while hopefully making your day more enjoyable.

Event Date: August 051PM  Location: Online  Cost: Free

Sponsor: Counseling Center