« Friday, August 20, 2021 » |
We would love for YOU to audition for EKos, the Acapella ensemble here at EKU! We sing everything from vocal jazz to contemporary pop music. Please come to Foster 100 from 5pm - 7pm on Tuesday, August 24th, and bring a pop piece to sing solo. Rehearsals will be Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm during the semester.
Email Dr. Jill Campbell (Jill.Campbell@eku.edu) with any questions!
See you there! Everyone is welcome to audition no matter your major or your experience level! Event Date: August 24; 5pm Location: Foster 100 Cost: 0.00
Sponsor: EKos (Dr. Jill Campbell)
The Noel Studio seeks to hire student academic consultants for the Fall 2021 semester. If you are interested in applying for this position, please click "More on This Announcement" below or search for posting GSTP01871P in the EKU Human Resources hiring system.
Sponsor: Noel Studio
This group is for student veterans, and serves as a space to discuss both personal concerns and global events that impact their well-being. Veterans often face unique and specific challenges when navigating collegiate life. This drop-in support group serves as a space for veterans to connect, vent and share concerns about their experience.
This is a weekly virtual support group provided by the EKU Counseling Center and hosted through a secure video platform.
TO ATTEND TODAY’S GROUP: email paul.morgan@eku.edu 15 minutes prior to group to receive group zoom link.
Event Date: August 20; 1:00PM Location: e-mail Paul Morgan for group invite Cost: Free
Sponsor: Counseling Center
Did you know you could study abroad during the summer or winter or even for a whole semester? Maybe you’re not sure where you can go or what classes you can take abroad. If you have questions, come to one of our study abroad general information sessions held every Friday at 3 p.m. in Keith 129 or on Zoom: https://eku.zoom.us/j/98289662447?pwd=aEt3QlBPUFlWU2NoUnVCQS93UGlDZz09 or email to create your own appointment! Event Date: August 20; 3:00pm Location: Keith 129 Cost: FREE
Sponsor: Education Abroad Office
When a student finds themselves or another student’s safety at risk due to the use of alcohol or other drugs, they should contact the EKUPD immediately for medical assistance. Formal disciplinary action for violations of paragraphs 33, 34, and 35 of the General Regulations Concerning Student Behavior of the Student Handbook will not be enforced provided the involved students meet the criteria for amnesty.
You wont be punished for helping a friend. If someone needs medical attentional because of drugs or alcohol, they and you are protected by medical amnesty.
Just call, stay, and cooperate.
For more information, click "more on this announcement" below.
Sponsor: Student Conduct and Community Standards
The Library subscribes to both the New York Times and the Chronicle of Higher Education. Off-campus access is available to all faculty, staff and students. The method of accessing each of these resources is slightly different.
Chronicle of Higher Education
To access the Chronicle of Higher Education, go to the Libraries’ Databases A-Z list (https://libguides.eku.edu/az.php). It is one of the “Popular” databases listed at the top of the page. Click on it and log in with your EKU credentials.
New York Times
Once you set up your own individual “Pass” using your EKU email address to sign up, you can go straight to the New York Times website to access the content. For more information and directions on how to register, visit our NYTimes FAQ by clicking "More on this Announcement."
Sponsor: EKU Libraries
More On This Announcement
Are you interested in learning about our Historically Black Greek Fraternities and Sororities often referred to as the "Divine 9?" Make sure you stop by NPHC 101 to meet our chapters here at EKU and learn about our intake process for potential new members. We can't wait to see you and hopefully welcome you home into our Greek Family. Event Date: September 09; 7:00pm - 9:00pm Location: Combs Ferrell
Sponsor: Fraternity & Sorority Life - NPHC
Are you a female student wanting to maximize your college experience? Would you like to join a sisterhood that cultivates lifelong friendships? Panhellenic is right where you belong! Our 7 sisterhoods at EKU would like to invite you to become a part of our Greek Family. Registration is now live (follow the link to sign-up) the cut-off ends Aug 24th at 6:00pm. We can't wait to welcome you home! Event Date: August 25; 7:30pm Location: Brock Auditorium
Sponsor: Fraternity & Sorority Life - PH
ATTN Male Students looking to maximize their college experience: Make sure to stop by IFC Kick-Off to see what being apart of the Greek Family at EKU is really like! We'll also have food for the students that interested and registered for the Recruitment Process. Event Date: August 30; 5:00pm Location: Ravine
Sponsor: Fraternity & Sorority Life - IFC
A night of comedy, music, and fun! Cabaret is an EKU tradition that has been spicing up Thursday nights with live performances for years and we are so happy to be back in person! This month's cabaret is music festival themed, so wear your festival gear if you would like, or don't either way it will be an amazing night! Follow eku_apo on instagram for updates! Event Date: August 26; 10 p.m. Location: Pearl Buchanan Theater (to the right of Keene Johnson) Cost: $1
Sponsor: Alpha Psi Omega