« Tuesday, November 30, 2021 » |
Join the staff of the EKU Counseling Center today for a workshop on Mindfulness. Being isolated in quarantine can lead to spending a lot of time on various activities that take your attention away from the present moment. Practicing mindfulness can be a great opportunity to improve your mental health by challenging yourself to be present and aware of your thoughts and feelings. In this workshop, you will learn tools that can help you practice mindfulness and work towards reducing and preventing stress, anxiety, depression, as well as many other concerns you may be experiencing. Event Date: November 30; 1PM Location: Online Cost: Free
Sponsor: Counseling Center
The EKU Winter team will be stationed in the lower lobby of Powell today to give you an opportunity to drop in, grab some swag and a warm beverage from our hot chocolate and cider station, and chat about how Winter Session at EKU can benefit your degree progression.
With over 120 courses available, EKU Winter term is a great time to catch up or get ahead!
Drop in...warm up...learn more!
Event Date: November 30; 11:00 am - 1:30 pm Location: Lower Powell Plaza Cost: FREE
Sponsor: EKU Winter
More On This Announcement
Beyond Labels is an affirming support group for students who have and/or are questioning having LGBTQ* identities. This is a weekly virtual support group provided by the EKU Counseling Center. Beyond Labels meets Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30pm and is hosted through a secure video platform. Please contact Melissa Bartsch at melissa.bartsch@eku.edu or (859)622-1303 for more information.
TO ATTEND TODAY’S GROUP: email Melissa.Bartsch@eku.edu 15 minutes prior to group to receive group zoom link.
Event Date: November 30; 3:30 - 4:30pm Location: e-mail melissa.bartsch@eku.edu for attendance link Cost: Free
Sponsor: Counseling Center
Color Coded is a safe space for students of color to express and discuss personal experiences with other EKU students of color. This discussion-based support group meets weekly on Tuesdays from 2-3pm and is hosted by a secure video platform. For more information, please contact Melissa Cozart at melissa.cozart@eku.edu or (859)622-1303.
TO ATTEND TODAY’S GROUP: email Melissa.Cozart@eku.edu 15 minutes prior to group start time to receive instructions on how to join today’s group.
Event Date: November 30; 2:00-3:00pm Location: e-mail melissa.cozart@eku.edu for attendance link Cost: Free
Sponsor: Counseling Center
Grief is a normal and natural response to loss. It can also feel overwhelming, lonely, and complicated. Grief group is safe space to receive support, learn to cope, and to connect with other students who are also adjusting to the death of a friend, family member, or loved one.
This weekly virtual group is provided by the EKU Counseling Center and hosted through a secure video platform. A group orientation is required to join this group. Contact EKUCC clinician Michalle Rice, LPP at 859-622-1303 or email at michalle.rice@eku.edu for more information.
Event Date: November 30; 2:30pm-4:00pm Location: call the EKU Counseling Center at (859) 622-1303 for more information Cost: Free
Sponsor: Counseling Center
Pathfinders is an affirming weekly support group for students who are first generation college students. At EKU, a student is considered "first gen" if they are the first in their family to attend a four-year university or if neither of their parents/guardians have completed a bachelor’s degree. Some first gen students may have older siblings who have attended college. This virtual group is provided by the EKU Counseling Center and is hosted through a secure video platform.
TO ATTEND TODAY’S GROUP: email Brett.Smith@eku.edu 15 minutes prior to group start time. Dr. Smith will email you instructions on how to join today’s group.
Event Date: November 30; 11:00am-12:00pm Location: e-mail brett.smith@eku.edu for attendance link Cost: Free
Sponsor: Counseling Center
The R User Group is a free activity open to everyone on campus. The purpose of this group is to build a community of people interested in using the programming language R. The goal is to exchange ideas, collaborate, and provide support to one another. Participants at all levels of experience are welcome.
Click "More on This Announcement" for more information about this session. Event Date: November 30; 2:30pm - 3:30pm Location: Noel Studio Breakout Space 3
Sponsor: Noel Studio