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 « Thursday, June 8, 2023 »
Summer registration has begun for courses scheduled during the second six- and eight-week sessions! Summer courses are an ideal opportunity to make up missed credits, lighten your fall and spring course load, or move closer to graduation. Talk to your advisors and professors about EKU Summer second six- and eight-week courses. EKU Summer courses are searchable from Follow EKU Summer at @EKUSummer and #EKUSummer.

Sponsor: EKU Summer
Contact Information: EKU Summer, 859-622-1517
More On This Announcement

Join the staff of the EKU Counseling Center today for a Workshop on Emotional Regulation. Regardless of whether you’re at home or school, every day we can experience a wide range of emotions. This workshop will focus on the most scientifically backed methods of managing your emotions, provide activities and tools that can help you feel more grounded and in control of your emotional functioning.

Event Date: June 083:30PM  Location: Online  Cost: Free

Sponsor: Counseling Center