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 « Thursday, September 24, 2015 »
Study Abroad in London, England & Dublin, Ireland during the winter term

Come to EKU's Study Abroad Office today to learn about opportunities during the upcoming winter term.
EKU’s Dr. Cynthia Resor is teaching Medieval Civilization – Modern Myths & Historical Reality, an upper level history course designed for all students (not just history majors.) Course Description: Medieval history is often associated with tales of Robin Hood, King Arthur and the mythical world of dragons and dwarves from Lord of the Rings and video games. This course will compare modern conceptions to the reality of medieval life in England and Ireland. We will visit medieval sites related to religion (Westminster Abbey, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Temple Church), government (Tower of London, London Guildhall) and everyday life (Museum of London, Museum of Viking and Medieval Dublin) in order to discover the realities of living in the Middle Ages.

Event Date: September 24  3:00 p.m.  Location: Keith Bldg., Room 129  
Contact Information: Cynthia Resor, (859) 622-8794

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