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 « Friday, October 16, 2015 »
CHAUTAUQUA Keynote Address by EKU's own Myra Beth Bundy: "Autism: Metamorphosis of a Diagnosis"

How can we fully integrate individuals with autism into society and prevent exclusion and stigmatization?

EKU's own Myra Beth Bundy, Professor of Psychology, autism and learning disabilities intervention specialist, and 2013 Critical Thinking Teacher of the Year, will attempt to answer that question in her Chautauqua lecture, “Autism: The Metamorphosis of a Diagnosis,” Thursday, October 22, 7:30 PM, in O’Donnell Hall of the Whitlock Building. Dr. Bundy's talk serves as the Keynote Address for National Disability Employment Awareness Month.

Free and open to the public. Attendance slips will be provided.

Sponsored by the Department of Psychology, the Americans with Disabilities Act Awareness Committee, and the Honors Program.

For more information, visit www.chautauqua.eku.ed or contact Chautauqua Lecture Coordinator Dr. Erik Liddell at

Event Date: October 22  7:30 PM  Location: O'Donnell Hall, Whitlock Building  Cost: Free