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 « Thursday, February 9, 2017 »
Shelby City Cemetery

Looking for ways to make a difference in your community? How about restoring one of Kentucky’s few remaining historical African American cemeteries? Sadly, Historical African-American cemeteries are the “most vulnerable” cemeteries to dilapidation due to a historic lack of legislative protection, and family members moving away from the area for economic opportunity elsewhere.

You will have the opportunity to travel with a group of like minded individuals to help restore the Shelby City African American Cemetery about 3 miles from the EKU Danville Campus, just southeast of Junction City. Volunteers will work removing undergrowth, discovering head stones, flagging potential gave sites for ground probing radar, and other tasks to help restore the cemetery. So sign up on OrgSync by Friday to get involved!

Event Date: February 11  8:30 am   Location: 370 Short Acres Road, Junction City, KY  Cost: Free
Contact Information: William Keaton , (859) 622-3855

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