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 « Monday, October 22, 2018 »
Functional Training Small Group

During the semester, on Monday and Friday's from 12-1pm with a max of 7 people. Our certified personal trainers will be offering a training class for anyone that is interested. It costs $30 per person. The first session runs through Oct. 22th (excluding 11/23) and will continue until Dec. 3. These sessions will be held in the Kerns Softball room in Begley and the Fitness Floor in the Fitness and Wellness Center.

These training sessions will be focused on foundational movements, conditioning, increasing muscle strength, decreasing body fat levels, improving sleep quality and overall fitness!

If this sounds like something you would like to participate in sign up today! Reserve your spot today either by filling out a Par-Q on the Fitness page or at the front desk in the Fitness and Wellness Center!

If you have any questions feel free to contact Lauren Smith at

Event Date: October 22  12-1pm  Location: EKU Campus Recreation & Begley  Cost: $30