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 « Monday, October 5, 2020 »
Communicating Risk in a (Mis)Information-Rich World

The Student Environmental Health Association (SEHA) will host EKU alumna Anna Kahn, associate director for Communication in CDC’s Division of Environmental Health Science and Practice as she presents "Communicating Risk in a (Mis)Information-Rich World."

Inaccurate, yet compelling narratives and visuals promulgated via social media drown out science-based messaging and widen the gap between actual risks and risk perception, creating uncertainty and confusion for consumers. In a world where we are prone to cognitive leaps and scary stuff is always easier to believe, how can consumers make sense of complex information related to risk, especially in areas where there is uncertainty?

Register in advance for this meeting:

Event Date: October 15  2:00 pm  Location: Zoom  Cost: free